Education Scholarships

Education Scholarships

The Stauffer Family Foundation has generously provided grant monies to the Autism Society San Diego.
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The Stauffer Family Foundation grant money will be used to offer scholarships to educate individuals caring for, or working with children or adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder.

The Stauffer Foundation Fund for Education offers scholarships for autism specific conferences, training, or seminars. Per the Foundation, scholarships may be awarded to teachers, aides, school administrators/personnel or caregivers who have a role in the care and/or education of a child(ren) or adolescent(s) with an autism spectrum disorder.

The Stauffer Foundation Scholarship program is administered by the Autism Society San Diego. To be eligible for a Stauffer Fund Scholarship you must be currently working with a child(ren) or adolescent(s) with an autism spectrum disorder and be an Autism Society San Diego member.  Scholarships may cover up to $250 of the registration fee per calendar year only and may not be used for class materials, hotel, transportation or incidentals.

Scholarship awards are at the discretion of the Autism Society San Diego Scholarship Committee and the Board of Directors and are based on eligibility, position, merit, and number of children benefiting from the training.  Any deviation of criterion or process is at the discretion of the Autism Society San Diego Board of Directors and will require a majority vote.  Completion and submission of scholarship application to meet the regular registration deadlines (no late fees will be paid), including Board review period, is entirely the responsibility of the applicant. No checks will be made directly to individuals.

For further questions contact the Autism Society San Diego at 858-715-0678 or

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Cost/Financial Aid Info:

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More Information:

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Registration Information:

Members can download an application here. Not a member? Click here to join or renew your membership.

Download Application

Thank You To Our Supporters!

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Membership Program:

We are happy to offer this program to our current Autism Society San Diego Members. Please click the button below to join or renew your membership.
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